ceph - sepia - 2024-12-21

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<Dan Mick> confusa01 was running jre11; needed jre17.  To discover that by running our ansible code on confusa01, I had to fix a deprecated ansible feature (var lists can't be lists of dictionaries, but must be a bare dictionary), and then had to install java-17 (which involved hand-editing the repo files to remove mirrorlist, set baseurl, and change baseurl to use [vault.centos.org](http://vault.centos.org) instead of [mirror.centos.org](http://mirror.centos.org)), and use alternatives to select it and restart the jenkins service.  I suspect others of the confusa are in the similar state.
<Dan Mick> ,....but, of course, that won't help, because they also need to be upgraded to centos9
<Dan Mick> <sigh>

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.