ceph - sepia - 2024-12-15

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<Sepia OpenShift> [FIRING:1] teuthology (SmithiQueuePaused metrics [teuthology.front.sepia.ceph.com:61764](http://teuthology.front.sepia.ceph.com:61764) teuthology-exporter smithi 2712 openshift-user-workload-monitoring/user-workload teuthology-exporter warning) | https:///console-openshift-console.apps.os.sepia.ceph.com/monitoring/#/alerts?receiver=%23sepia
<Ronen Friedman> Could it be that teuthology.front.* can't connect to github? (for fetching the ci branch for testing)
<Igor Golikov> For me it connects, but doesn't pull the last commit... I run it with -c my_commit_name, and it pulls the commit before the last one, while I clearly see in ceph-ci another commit for that branch...
<Ronen Friedman> Ah. Must update my certificate here, too. My mistake.
<Ronen Friedman> Could it be that teuthology.front.* can't connect to github? (for fetching the ci branch for testing)
<Adam Kraitman> Can you try again, I don't see any issues in the logs

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.