ceph - sepia - 2024-11-25

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<David Galloway> Can you create one that checks the individual Jenkins Builders too.  e.g., if irvingi05 has failed the past 5 jobs, alert.
<Adam Kraitman> I will check that
<gregsfortytwo> we got a report on the security list:
> To whoever is managing the [ceph.io](http://ceph.io) mailing lists and email servers...
> your emails are failing DKIM...
> Authentication-Results: [ppops.net](http://ppops.net);
>     spf=pass smtp.mailfrom=[ceph-users-bounces@ceph.io](mailto:ceph-users-bounces@ceph.io);
>     dkim=fail header.d=[aol.com](http://aol.com) header.s=a2048;
>     dmarc=fail header.from=[aol.com](http://aol.com)
> Authentication-Results: [lists.ceph.io](http://lists.ceph.io);
>     dkim=fail reason=“signature verification failed” (2048-bit
> key; unprotected) header.d=[aol.com](http://aol.com) header.i=@[aol.com](http://aol.com) header.b=CusEVFmh;
>     dkim-atps=neutral
Similar stuff has come up before but I don’t remember what we’re targeting or where we’re at on improving it
<Dan Mick> it looks to me like that's a report that [ppops.net](http://ppops.net) received a mail from [ceph-users-bounces@ceph.io](mailto:ceph-users-bounces@ceph.io), but the dkim header indicated that it came from [aol.com](http://aol.com), which is DKIM doing exactly what it is supposed to do.  Am I misinterpreting that error?
<Dan Mick> responded to Andy offlist

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.