2024-11-18T02:06:32.603Z | <Rongqi Sun> Thanks! |
2024-11-18T15:40:57.649Z | <Ken Dreyer> @Laura Flores, should we add <https://pad.ceph.com/p/ceph-infra-weekly> to the topic of this channel? |
2024-11-18T15:53:41.354Z | <Laura Flores> Sure, added! |
2024-11-18T15:53:56.896Z | <Ken Dreyer> Welcome @David Galloway :meow_party: |
2024-11-18T15:55:42.358Z | <David Galloway> Aw, no gifs. Imagine there's a Forrest Gump waving gif here. |
2024-11-18T15:56:49.962Z | <Casey Bodley> hey dgalloway β€οΈ |
2024-11-18T16:04:41.277Z | <Brett Niver> Hey @David Galloway! |
2024-11-18T16:08:37.324Z | <gregsfortytwo> welcome back! π |
2024-11-18T16:14:31.011Z | <nehaojha> Welcome David π |
2024-11-18T16:23:58.751Z | <rzarzynski> @Adam Kraitman: Hello Adam. Looks like some nodes are out, i.e.
```$ ssh [rzarzynski@o08.front.sepia.ceph.com](mailto:rzarzynski@o08.front.sepia.ceph.com)
ssh: connect to host [o08.front.sepia.ceph.com](http://o08.front.sepia.ceph.com) port 22: Connection timed ou``` |
2024-11-18T16:24:12.726Z | <rzarzynski> @Adam Kraitman: Hello Adam. Looks like some nodes are out, i.e.
```$ ssh rzarzynski@o08.front.sepia.ceph.com
ssh: connect to host o08.front.sepia.ceph.com port 22: Connection timed out``` |
2024-11-18T16:24:52.586Z | <rzarzynski> not all β `o06` is available |
2024-11-18T16:25:19.064Z | <rzarzynski> looks exactly like last week, before it got fixed |
2024-11-18T16:48:04.372Z | <Adam Kraitman> Welcome back π |
2024-11-18T17:00:51.222Z | <gregsfortytwo> we can have that conversation, but in the meantime please make octopus available again β we donβt want to centos-stream our own users! |
2024-11-18T17:04:13.912Z | <rzarzynski> now it's up! |
2024-11-18T17:06:46.516Z | <Adam Kraitman> I see this core dump in the logs
```Nov 18 08:33:34 o08 systemd-coredump[359017]: Process 352178 (ceph-mon) of user 1146 dumped core.#012#012Stack trace of thread 352207:#012#0 0x00007fd9e248b94c __pthread_kill_implem
entation (libc.so.6 + 0x8b94c)#012#1 0x00007fd9e243e646 raise (libc.so.6 + 0x3e646)#012#2 0x0000557d6b7e114d reraise_fatal (ceph-mon + 0x64d14d)#012#3 0x00007fd9e243e6f0 __restore
_rt (libc.so.6 + 0x3e6f0)#012#4 0x00007fd9e248b94c __pthread_kill_implementation (libc.so.6 + 0x8b94c)#012#5 0x00007fd9e243e646 raise (libc.so.6 + 0x3e646)#012#6 0x00007fd9e24287f
3 abort (libc.so.6 + 0x287f3)#012#7 0x00007fd9e38d889d _ZN4ceph12__ceph_abortEPKciS1_RKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE (libceph-common.so.2 + 0x2d889``` |
2024-11-18T17:09:56.506Z | <rzarzynski> might be a red herring from developing on the machine. I saw the entire node crashed |
2024-11-18T17:46:00.805Z | <Dan Mick> <https://download.ceph.com/> |
2024-11-18T18:49:36.204Z | <system> file welcome_home.gif too big to download (5677204 > allowed size: 1000000) |
2024-11-18T18:49:36.205Z | <Zack Cerza> Glad to have you back David! |