Timestamp (UTC) | Message |
2024-09-24T16:30:07.896Z | <Eric I> @Adam Kraitman Sorry to ask a basic question, but how does someone who’s [tracker.ceph.com](http://tracker.ceph.com) account has been approved get assigned to a project (in this case RGW). I’m an admin for the RGW sub-project, but I don’t see him listed. Their name is Samaksh Dhingra. |
2024-09-24T16:31:30.089Z | <Casey Bodley> from <https://tracker.ceph.com/projects/rgw/settings/members> you can click on `+ New member` and search for that name |
2024-09-24T16:34:46.199Z | <Eric I> That worked. Thank you, @Casey Bodley. |