ceph - sepia - 2024-08-28

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<Dan Mick> Apparently the daemon behind the iscsi service, rbd-target-api, sets some state in the kernel that cannot be changed, and starting a new one just will fail repeatedly (with very little useful logging and some misdirection, like "<rbdpool>/<rbdimage>: File not found" which is utterly wrong.  I updated the other iscsi instances (after ensuring that the RHEV cluster could see them all in a hopefully-working multipath configuration), and then rebooted the containing servers to get the iscsi service up.  I've no idea whether there's a less-invasive workaround.
<Dan Mick> anyway, everything on the sepia cluster is now running 19.1.1
<Dan Mick> anyway, everything on the sepia long-running cluster is now running 19.1.1
<Dan Mick> It's not the PR, but when the PR is merged, one can choose to delete the source branch or not.  In the one you linked, @Josh Durgin chose to delete it
<kenan.al-shamie> Hi. Completely new to this. I've gotten access to teuthology and senta03... the dev playground guide isn't working for me because when I run the provided script, it asks for a password when sshing onto reesi001. I'm also quite confused as to the basics - coming from IBM, I'm accustomed to just having a folder, cloning the ceph repo there, building it there, developing and testing it all there. This is quite different with this mounting stuff so I'm not very clear as to where my ceph repo should even be after I get this script running. Sorry for the very basic question - I've looked around the starter wikis and couldn't work this part out, thanks
<kenan.al-shamie> Hi. Completely new to this. I've gotten access to teuthology and senta03... the dev playground guide isn't working for me because when I run the provided script, it asks for a password when sshing onto reesi001. I'm also quite confused as to the basics - coming from IBM, I'm accustomed to just having a folder on a build server like `/workx/kenan/`, cloning the ceph repo there, building it there, developing and testing it all there. This is quite different with this mounting stuff so I'm not very clear as to where my ceph repo should even be after I get this script running. Sorry for the very basic question - I've looked around the starter wikis and couldn't work this part out, thanks
<Dan Mick> I wish I had a good idea about it
<Dan Mick> You should have no need to ssh to reesi001.  What are you looking at that advises that?
<kenan.al-shamie> the developer playground guide... CephFS part... I guess I was mistaken to think that applies to me. So do I just use /home/ on senta03 to git clone ceph and do dev work? thakns
<kenan.al-shamie> the developer playground guide... CephFS part... I guess I was mistaken to think that applies to me. So do I just use /home/ on senta03 to git clone ceph and do dev work? thanks
<kenan.al-shamie> the developer playground guide... CephFS mount part... I guess I was mistaken to think that applies to me. So do I just use /home/ on senta03 to git clone ceph and do dev work? thanks
<Dan Mick> maybe you mean this: <http://wiki.front.sepia.ceph.com/doku.php?id=devplayground>
<Dan Mick> there's a section there "Configuring CephFS Mounts" that has a script that's introduced with "The following script can be run to setup CephFS mounts on a new developer playground machines:"
<Dan Mick> senta03 is not a new developer playground machine, so that script doesn't apply
<Dan Mick> if you read the script, you understand that the purpose is to create the mounts /teuthology, /scratch, /postfile, and /a.  Those mounts already exist.
<Dan Mick> That setup step was taken care of by an administrator, which is why you don't have permissions to rerun it.
<kenan.al-shamie> okay, with regards to my other question to play around with ceph, do I clone it to `/home/kenepia` - not really sure how to go about getting started
<kenan.al-shamie> okay, as I said above I figured out I was mistaken, with regards to my other question to play around with ceph, do I clone it to `/home/kenepia` - not really sure where to do that
<kenan.al-shamie> okay, as I said above I figured out I was mistaken, with regards to my other question to play around with ceph, do I clone it to `/home/kenepia` - not really sure where I'm supposed to be doing my development
<Dan Mick> Yes, your homedir is fine.  You may want to find a regular Ceph developer to help you through the ramp up to your first build and test.
<Sepia OpenShift> [FIRING:1] teuthology (SmithiQueuePaused metrics [teuthology.front.sepia.ceph.com:61764](http://teuthology.front.sepia.ceph.com:61764) teuthology-exporter smithi 1390635 openshift-user-workload-monitoring/user-workload teuthology-exporter warning) | https:///console-openshift-console.apps.os.sepia.ceph.com/monitoring/#/alerts?receiver=%23sepia
<Christina Meno> @Adam Kraitman Would you please check the tracker logs during this report timeframe? Anything we can deduce?
<kenan.al-shamie> thanks but I should be fine for the building side, I've done some dev on Ceph before, but testing yes I'll need some direction with this lab when it gets to it

thanks for the help
<Dan Mick> have you seen this?  <https://docs.ceph.com/en/reef/dev/developer_guide/>
<kenan.al-shamie> Not seen this specific page of the doc no, thanks for that
We do have our own into documentation for devs at IBM so I have been using that, but this is a great addition thanks
<Dan Mick> there's documentation from IBM about Ceph development?

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.