ceph - sepia - 2024-08-08

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<Zack Cerza> we will probably merge the expiration dates PR tomorrow. once that is deployed, by default jobs that are over two weeks old will be skipped. that should reduce the queue size considerably
<Dan Mick> there are 14-year-old issues about it.  It seems to have to do with somehow confusing a hidden authentication token which is supposed to stay with a session, or perhaps that token timing out.  Are either of you (@yuriw or @Ken Dreyer) holding edits to an issue open for a long time before saving them?
<yuriw> No
<yuriw> builds, runs are every slooow...
<yuriw> tracker is again down => `504 Gateway Time-out`
<Kyrylo Shatskyy> 😞
<Kyrylo Shatskyy> right after I closed some 11 years old ticket, in particular, I set it to "Rejected"
<yuriw> now I know why it's down :)
<Kyrylo Shatskyy> oh... it's up again
<Kyrylo Shatskyy> interesting if I close another one it will down again?
<Hemanth Kumar> @Adam Kraitman - <https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/67422> - Created a new request.
<kenan.al-shamie> <https://github.com/ceph/keys/pull/495>

I succeeded!! 😄
<Ken Dreyer> So this week I've been checking [tracker.ceph.com](http://tracker.ceph.com) every day to see if I've logged out, and of course I cannot reproduce it now 😆 . I'm always logged in.
<Casey Bodley> i can ping [teuthology.front.sepia.ceph.com](http://teuthology.front.sepia.ceph.com) but ssh keeps timing out with "Connection closed by port 22"
<Adam Kraitman> It was around 10min of downtime I am checking if it's was some DDos attack or something else: https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T1HG3J90S-F07GGJGUY0Z/download/image.png
<Casey Bodley> is that working for anyone else?
<Kyrylo Shatskyy> yes
<Kyrylo Shatskyy> it works for me
<Casey Bodley> thanks. got it working
<John Mulligan> I'd like to ask for @Anoop C S (<https://github.com/anoopcs9>) to be added to the ceph org and get ceph-ci access, please
<Kyrylo Shatskyy> while using Tunnelblick I can see warning:
> • 'compress' was deprecated in OpenVPN 2.5 and has been or may be removed in a later version
> Tunnelblick will use OpenVPN 2.6.12 - OpenSSL v3.0.14 to connect this configuration.
is it something we should worry about?
<Sepia OpenShift> [FIRING:1] teuthology (SmithiQueuePaused metrics [teuthology.front.sepia.ceph.com:61764](http://teuthology.front.sepia.ceph.com:61764) teuthology-exporter smithi 527511 openshift-user-workload-monitoring/user-workload teuthology-exporter warning) | https:///console-openshift-console.apps.os.sepia.ceph.com/monitoring/#/alerts?receiver=%23sepia
<Zack Cerza> I paused the queue for ~5m to update the dispatcher
<Zack Cerza> happened to be watching paddles.front's journal and saw
```Aug 08 19:11:27 paddles smartd[625]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Prefailure Attribute: 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate changed from 63 to 67
Aug 08 19:11:27 paddles smartd[625]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 195 Hardware_ECC_Recovered changed from 57 to 56```
@Dan Mick / @Adam Kraitman I don't know too much about this, e.g. if we're monitoring it or have a plan to repair / migrate
<Dan Mick> Don't know, but it probably won't hurt and will remove the warning if you edit the client configuration.  I don't know exactly how to do that in Tunnelblick
<Dan Mick> I get these warnings from Viscosity on Windows; haven't addressed them:
Aug 08 2:20:27 PM: 2024-08-08 14:20:27 WARNING: Compression for receiving enabled. Compression has been used in the past to break encryption. Sent packets are not compressed unless "allow-compression yes" is also set.
Aug 08 2:20:27 PM: 2024-08-08 14:20:27 WARNING: Compression for receiving enabled. Compression has been used in the past to break encryption. Sent packets are not compressed unless "allow-compression yes" is also set.
Aug 08 2:20:27 PM: Note: --cipher is not set. OpenVPN versions before 2.5 defaulted to BF-CBC as fallback when cipher negotiation failed in this case. If you need this fallback please add '--data-ciphers-fallback BF-CBC' to your configuration and/or add BF-CBC to --data-ciphers.
Aug 08 2:20:27 PM: OpenVPN 2.6.10 Windows [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [AEAD]

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.