ceph - sepia - 2024-08-03

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<yuriw> @Adam Kraitman Trackes is down `504 Gateway Time-out` PTL
<yuriw> @Adam Kraitman Tracker is down `504 Gateway Time-out` PTL
<Kyrylo Shatskyy> <https://github.com/ceph/keys/pull/445/files>
<Kyrylo Shatskyy> I can see a ticket ^ with scheduled removal of access to the lab for ex redhatters, among them are people like me and other coworkers who has never been working for RH
<Kyrylo Shatskyy> I can see the ticket ^ with scheduled removal of access to the lab for ex redhatters, among them are people like me and other coworkers who has never been working for RH

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.