ceph - crimson - 2024-11-26

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<Jose J Palacios-Perez> This is what a socket balanced looks like: 8 OSD and 5 reactors per OSD: https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T1HG3J90S-F082J5S5WJW/download/cyan_8osd_5react_bal_socket.png
<Matan Breizman> Interesting results, why did changing the num reactors from 4 to 5 resulted in this? Was it because we had to share cores with different sockets?
We can discuss this over the weekly meeting if you are available!
<Jose J Palacios-Perez> Precisely, I was wondering that as well, I was expecting that increasing the number of reactors would improve performance rather than hindering it
<Jose J Palacios-Perez> As per the conversation at today's Crimson performance call, here is the tracker for this: <https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/69062>

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.