ceph - crimson - 2024-11-14

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<Jose J Palacios-Perez> Unfortunately, it seems that ceph.conf forgets the first range, for example:
```/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf config set osd.2 crimson_seastar_cpu_cores 3-4
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf config set osd.2 crimson_seastar_cpu_cores 31-31```
and so we see in the grid this:: https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T1HG3J90S-F080YQ9BB60/download/screenshot_2024-11-14_at_14.47.22.png
<Jose J Palacios-Perez> I'll see if it accepts comma sep values 🤞
<Jose J Palacios-Perez> It works! this is a nice balanced small config:
```# MDS=0 MON=1 OSD=3 MGR=1 /ceph/src/vstart.sh --new -x --localhost --without-dashboard --cyanstore --redirect-output --crimson --crimson-smp 3 --no-restart --crimson-balance-cpu```: https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T1HG3J90S-F080WFU9V0S/download/screenshot_2024-11-14_at_15.21.24.png
<Matan Breizman> Great progress! Can you help me understand the last graph? No cores for Alien world since it's cyanstore. However, I can't understand whether the R cores are physical or not.
<Jose J Palacios-Perez> Precisely, the red R's stand for Seastar reactors,
```   4944 pts/0    S      0:00 /bin/sh /ceph/src/ceph-run --no-restart /ceph/build/bin/crimson-osd -i 0 -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -f
   4945 pts/0    Sl     0:15  \_ /ceph/build/bin/crimson-osd -i 0 -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -f
   5024 pts/0    S      0:00 /bin/sh /ceph/src/ceph-run --no-restart /ceph/build/bin/crimson-osd -i 1 -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -f
   5025 pts/0    Sl     0:15  \_ /ceph/build/bin/crimson-osd -i 1 -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -f
   5103 pts/0    S      0:00 /bin/sh /ceph/src/ceph-run --no-restart /ceph/build/bin/crimson-osd -i 2 -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -f
   5106 pts/0    Sl     0:14  \_ /ceph/build/bin/crimson-osd -i 2 -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -f```
for example, these are the details for osd.2:
```4238    4238 crimson-osd      31     pid 4238's current affinity list: 31
   4238    4244 syscall-0        31     pid 4244's current affinity list: 31
   4238    4245 crimson-osd      31     pid 4245's current affinity list: 31
   5106    5106 crimson-osd       3     pid 5106's current affinity list: 3
   5106    5112 reactor-1         4     pid 5112's current affinity list: 4
   5106    5113 reactor-2        31     pid 5113's current affinity list: 31
   5106    5114 syscall-0         3     pid 5114's current affinity list: 3
   5106    5115 syscall-1         4     pid 5115's current affinity list: 4
   5106    5116 syscall-2        31     pid 5116's current affinity list: 31
   5106    5117 crimson-osd       3     pid 5117's current affinity list: 3
   5106    5118 reactor-1         4     pid 5118's current affinity list: 4
   5106    5119 reactor-2        31     pid 5119's current affinity list: 31```
<Jose J Palacios-Perez> • the first two rows (0-27) in the grid correspond to the physical CPU cores for socket 0, 
• the next two rows (28-55) are the physical CPU cores for socket 1 
•  the next two rows are the HT-siblings of the first physical range (0-27), socket 0
• finally, the last two rows are the HT-siblings for physical range (28-55), socket 1.  
<Jose J Palacios-Perez> ```# lscpu | grep NUMA | tr -s ' '
NUMA node(s): 2
NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-27,56-83 <-- physical range, HT-sibling range
NUMA node1 CPU(s): 28-55,84-111```
<Matan Breizman> Ah, got it now thank you!
Should we mark R cores as R0 for OSD.0 R1 for OSD.1 and so on?
Should we try to separate the table  for physical / siblings?
<Jose J Palacios-Perez> > Should we mark R cores as R0 for OSD.0 R1 for OSD.1 and so on?
I was considering precisely that, to include the OSD id, only for those processes since it might get too messy for alien/bluestore threads (and they can be jump around in the range, sort to speak).
> Should we try to separate the table for physical / siblings?
Yes, was also considering that, originally I had them side by side (2 grids, one per socket) but was getting very tricky (I'm still learning Python). I'll separate with a line to indicate physical vs HT-siblings 👍
<Matan Breizman> This looks really good and could make allocation attempts slightly more friendlier! 🙂

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.