ceph - cephfs - 2024-10-18

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<Patrick Donnelly> Happy to see that <https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/60386> works easily enough so that we can use `teuthology-suite -k <kernel>` again!
<Patrick Donnelly> (please review!)
<Andrea Bolzonella> Hi,
<Andrea Bolzonella> Hey everyone,

I need to recover a CephFS file system using cephfs-data-scan and then move it to a new metadata pool. The cluster is currently running on the Pacific release, but we are planning to upgrade to the Reef release. I'm wondering if it's possible to recover the file system after the upgrade, or if it's better to do it with the current version. Do you foresee any issues with this?

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.