ceph - cephadm - 2024-10-07

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<Brian P> > Does anyone know if it is functional?
Do you have a test cluster?

Honestly, looks like a gimmick for OpenShift, hyperconvergence or something like that.
<verdurin> Never got to the bottom of this. The host has now been upgraded, and is back in the cluster.
<Ken Carlile> I'm trying to get S3 URL-style bucket addressing working on my Reef cluster. Going from this page: <https://docs.ceph.com/en/reef/radosgw/s3/commons/>, I should be able to get it working just by setting up `hostnames` in the zonegroup configuration, or by setting `rgw_dns_name` in the configuration. Since this is a cephadm cluster, I don't use ceph.conf, but rather `ceph config`  commands, which the documentation is fairly lax about explaining. I think I have the latter configured, and I've restarted the RGW instance, but the url-style buckets still aren't working. I'm unsure how to set the hostnames field in the zonegroup configuration; I don't see a flag for it in `radosgw-admin` and the various permutations of the command that I've tried haven't worked. Anyone got this working?

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.