ceph - cephadm - 2024-09-24

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<cz tan> Thank you very much 🙂
<Yonatan Zaken> Hi All,

I have a question relating to the `cephadm adopt`  CLI to  adopt a daemon deployed with a different deployment tool.
I have a use case where I need the container that is spun up via this command, to be created with the following extra container properties:

• --cgroups=enabled
• --memory=<some_value>
• --memory-reservation=<some_value>
• --cpus=<some_value>
• --cpuset-cpus=<some_value>
Since the `cephadm adopt`  doesn't seem to support an `extra_container_args` argument directly, I was wondering if it can
be achieved using the `--config-json`  option which stands for additional configuration information.
However, I am not sure if `--config-json`  was intended to be used for information I stated above.

Looking it `src/python-common/build/lib/ceph/deployment/service_spec.py` it seems that `--config-json`  supports the following:
```'image', 'entrypoint', 'uid', 'gid', 'args',
'envs', 'volume_mounts', 'privileged',
'bind_mounts', 'ports', 'dirs', 'files'```
Perhaps the `args` option is what I need to add to the --config-json option?
If not maybe we should consider adding the `extra_container_args` as an additional parsing argument for `cephadm.py`  ? (edited)

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.