ceph - ceph-devel - 2025-01-02

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<Driss ASSOUKA> Hi @all,

[2:58 PM] Driss ASSOUKA

is there any compatibility matrix for linux OS ( libceph module, rbd and ceph csi container images)
[2:59 PM] Driss ASSOUKA

since i moved to debian 12 i have issues ( my setup is nomad using [quay.io/cephcsi/cephcsi:v3.12.2](http://quay.io/cephcsi/cephcsi:v3.12.2)  as controller and node plugin )
[3:00 PM] Driss ASSOUKA

thanks for your help

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.