ceph - ceph-devel - 2024-12-06

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<gen wu> hi, everyone, can someone tell me when 18.2.5 will be released?
<IcePic> gen wu: Looks like the devs are working on the 19.2.1 validation run, so my unscientific guess is that it will come out first, then work on 18.x would be done. Also, most of them probably attended the ceph conference these last two days
<Joseph Mundackal> <#C054Q1NUBQT|> is usually where the release/upcoming release discussions happen
<isodude> Why does do_cmake.sh require me to wipe the build folder? Ninja in itself seems pretty good at judging where ot left off in the build process.
<Casey Bodley> hey isodude. once you've created the build directory with do_cmake.sh, you shouldn't need to run it again. you can just use cmake and ninja commands as normal
<isodude> Right. That make sense, just not in my case :)

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