ceph - ceph-devel - 2024-11-20

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<liang> Hello, I am getting issue below when I run "./do_cmake.sh -DWITH_TESTS=OFF -DWITH_DPDK=ON". My dpdk directory is ceph/src/dpdk. Could anyone know how to resolve this issue? many thanks in advance.

ExternalProject target 'dpdk-ext' would depend on the targets for step(s) 'configure;patch-config;build' under policy CMP0114, but this is being left out for compatibility since the policy is not set. Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/modules/BuildDPDK.cmake:114 (ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets) cmake/modules/BuildDPDK.cmake:194 (do_build_dpdk) CMakeLists.txt:404 (build_dpdk)
<Casey Bodley> you could try enabling that CMP0114 policy at the top of CMakeLists.txt:
```-foreach(policy CMP0127 CMP0135)
+foreach(policy CMP0127 CMP0135 CMP0114)```
<Laura Flores> Join us for the user + dev meeting! <https://meet.jit.si/ceph-user-dev-monthly>
<liang> I have installed dpdk-dev. Then this issue is resolved. But dpdk is not been enabled in async message. Do you how to compile ceph that use dpdk async message?Thank you.
<Casey Bodley> `-DWITH_DPDK=ON` should cause the messenger stuff to build
<liang> Hi all. I try to compile ceph with -DWITH_DPDK=ON. But dpdk is not enabled. Do anyone know how to use DPDKStack on async message?
<Casey Bodley> i would expect that to build the dpdk backend. then you would have to configure `ms_type=async+dpdk` to use it at runtime
<liang> I have installed dpdk-dev. Cmake also find dpdk successfully.
<Joseph Mundackal> <https://github.com/ceph/ceph/blob/main/CMakeLists.txt#L501>
<Joseph Mundackal> you might have to uniunstall system dpdk... to make ceph build it?
<liang> yep,I have configure ms_type=async+dpdk,but failed,do not support dpdk is printed. find dpdkstack function with nm command. It seems that dpdkstack for async message code is not compile in ceph-osd binary.
<liang> thank you. I will try as you said
<Casey Bodley> weekly rgw meeting starting in ~5m at [ <https://pad.ceph.com/p/rgw-weekly](https://meet.google.com/mmj-uzzv-qce> )

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.