2024-10-18T10:53:18.023Z | <Rost Khudov> Any updates on this? |
2024-10-18T13:09:56.822Z | <Joseph Mundackal> Tagging @Casey Bodley for awareness |
2024-10-18T13:12:58.374Z | <Casey Bodley> i haven't seen recent rgw/notification suite failures in teuthology 🤷 <https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/67514> tracked an earlier failure with that test case but this looks different |
2024-10-18T13:28:59.985Z | <Casey Bodley> if it's failing for you consistently, feel free to open a tracker with details about your config |
2024-10-18T13:57:14.458Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> Just upgraded to Rocky9 and noticed that RHEL9 based distros no longer have several python packages that install-deps.sh wants. Is there a normal way to deal with this? |
2024-10-18T14:04:57.250Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> Problem packages appear to be: python3-coverage, python3-pyOpenSSL, python3-werkzeug |
2024-10-18T14:05:34.854Z | <Casey Bodley> just scanning install-deps.sh, i see there's a part that doesn't apply to "rocky":
``` elif test $ID = centos -a $MAJOR_VERSION = 9 ; then
$SUDO dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb``` |
2024-10-18T14:05:44.418Z | <Casey Bodley> maybe that helps? |
2024-10-18T14:05:58.764Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> already did that manually I'm afraid. |
2024-10-18T14:06:26.793Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> I see from the RH docs a list of removed packages: |
2024-10-18T14:06:27.621Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> [https://docs.redhat.com/en/documentation/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9/html-single/considerations_in_adopting_rhel_9/index#moved-packag[…]s-to-packages](https://docs.redhat.com/en/documentation/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9/html-single/considerations_in_adopting_rhel_9/index#moved-packages_assembly_changes-to-packages) |
2024-10-18T14:06:59.305Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> All three are listed as being removed |
2024-10-18T14:08:00.582Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> It looks like they have a separate list for unsupported packages that transitioned to CRB, but those ones aren't on it. |
2024-10-18T14:08:41.840Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> I'm sort of curious how the upstream builders build on RHEL9 at all? |
2024-10-18T14:09:45.228Z | <Casey Bodley> i grepped a [centos 9 build log](https://jenkins.ceph.com/job/ceph-dev-build/ARCH=x86_64,AVAILABLE_ARCH=x86_64,AVAILABLE_DIST=centos9,DIST=centos9,MACHINE_SIZE=gigantic/56297//consoleFull) from shaman and `python3-coverage` isn't present there |
2024-10-18T14:09:58.177Z | <Casey Bodley> where are those deps even coming from? i don't see them in [ceph.spec.in](http://ceph.spec.in) |
2024-10-18T14:10:40.409Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> I don't know either, I only found reference to python3-coverage for instance in the debian/control file |
2024-10-18T14:11:59.688Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> Unless install-deps is some how using that for enterprise linux releases too? |
2024-10-18T14:24:41.404Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> oh, I'm silly. It's in [ceph.spec.in](http://ceph.spec.in), just not explicit:
```BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-coverage
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-pyOpenSSL``` |
2024-10-18T16:24:22.180Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> And indeed we still have it in the main [ceph.spec.in](http://ceph.spec.in): <https://github.com/ceph/ceph/blob/main/ceph.spec.in#L342-L343> |
2024-10-18T16:24:48.744Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> So I guess the question is whether or not those packages are available somewhere else? |
2024-10-18T16:55:49.924Z | <Ken Carlile> I believe they are; I built my Reef cluster on Rocky 9 just a month ago and didn't run into anything. Maybe EPEL? |
2024-10-18T16:57:38.190Z | <Ken Carlile> ```[root@r02u26 ceph]# dnf provides python3-coverage
Last metadata expiration check: 2 days, 23:13:56 ago on Tue 15 Oct 2024 01:43:31 PM EDT.
python3-coverage-5.5-1.el9s.x86_64 : Code coverage testing module for Python 3
Repo : centos-ceph-reef
Matched from:
Provide : python3-coverage = 5.5-1.el9s
python3-coverage-6.2-1.el9.x86_64 : Code coverage testing module for Python 3
Repo : epel
Matched from:
Provide : python3-coverage = 6.2-1.el9
[root@r02u26 ceph]# ``` |
2024-10-18T16:57:51.699Z | <Ken Carlile> so I probably got it out of the centos-ceph-reef repo |
2024-10-18T16:58:41.202Z | <Ken Carlile> the instructions don't specifically reference Rocky, but I used the CentOS stream part of them: <https://docs.ceph.com/en/reef/cephadm/install/#cephadm-install-distros> |
2024-10-18T20:26:07.164Z | <Mark Nelson (nhm)> @Ken Carlile That was a good hint! The epel.repo on this host wasn't the one from the epel-release package (which got installed as epel.repo.rpmnew). That meant that I saw epel was in the repolist but it was for el8 and thus missing the packages that used to be in el8 itself. |
2024-10-18T20:26:30.478Z | <Ken Carlile> that would do it! |