2024-09-25T06:17:32.594Z | <cz tan> hi, what is the version of v19.3.0? is ceph release rules have changed? |
2024-09-25T07:50:10.149Z | <Eugen Block> There was a [requirement for an intermediate tag](https://lists.ceph.io/hyperkitty/list/ceph-users@ceph.io/thread/R24WDLDXP4STM3LARFB6KO7KOAUC3X4R/) in the mailing lists a few weeks ago, but it won't be an official release, if that's what you're referring to. |
2024-09-25T08:22:28.727Z | <cz tan> thanks~ |
2024-09-25T11:04:01.050Z | <Rico> thanks @Ernesto Puerta |
2024-09-25T11:39:24.240Z | <Matt Benjamin> I don't think running do_cmake.sh should be necessary to update a git submodule. rather, "git submodule update --init --recursive" should be sufficient |
2024-09-25T15:26:09.400Z | <Casey Bodley> weekly rgw meeting starting soon in [ <https://pad.ceph.com/p/rgw-weekly](https://meet.google.com/mmj-uzzv-qce> ) |
2024-09-25T19:40:31.265Z | <Patrick Donnelly> Who is responsible for the `ceph windows tests` ci? |
2024-09-25T19:44:10.150Z | <Casey Bodley> cc @Lucian Petrut |