ceph - ceph-devel - 2024-08-13

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<Eugen Block> Hi, there was a change in the cluster log time format, apparently between 17.2.6 and 17.2.7 the ceph.log now is in unix format:
```ses01:~ # tail /var/log/ceph/{FSID}/ceph.log
1723538188.7628117 mgr.ses02.ejbqba (mgr.326959) 1176605 : cluster [DBG] pgmap v1169426: 2282 pgs: 3 active+clean+scrubbing+deep, 2279 active+clean; 62 TiB data, 107 TiB used, 810 TiB / 917 TiB avail
1723538189.024483 osd.25 (osd.25) 12396 : cluster [DBG] 12.b4 scrub starts
1723538189.4898763 osd.48 (osd.48) 9522 : cluster [DBG] 12.f3 scrub starts```
I don't seem to find a way to change it back. In Reef it is the usual timestamp again. If I don't want to upgrade yet, is there a way to change that?
<Bailey Allison> +1 to this, I spent a few mins looking a while ago too but couldn't find anything, nice to know it's been changed back though
<Utkarsh Bhatt> Hey Cephdevs, noob question: I was planning on using `ceph config-key` commands to store and retrieve some datapoints (json strings) is a custom key (say `config/tokens/name`) However, it is not being persisted in the kv store.
<Utkarsh Bhatt> ```$ sudo ceph config-key set config/tokens/peer_token="ABCD"
set config/tokens/peer_token=ABCD
$ sudo ceph config-key dump | grep "config/tokens"```
<Utkarsh Bhatt> Am i doing it wrong ?
<Utkarsh Bhatt> Hey Cephdevs, noob question: I was planning on using `ceph config-key` commands to store and retrieve some datapoints (json strings) in a custom key (say `config/tokens/name`) However, it is not being persisted in the kv store.
<Eugen Block> Have you tried this?
```ceph config-key set config/tokens/peer_token ABCD```
<Utkarsh Bhatt> dayum
<Utkarsh Bhatt> @Eugen Block if we ever meet, please remind me to buy you a beer.
<Utkarsh Bhatt> The documentation [here](<https://docs.ceph.com/en/reef/dev/config-key/#configuration>) uses the key = value notation.
<Utkarsh Bhatt> so I was sticking to that.
<Eugen Block> good thing I didn't read that then 😉 I've just used it for all the different key/value pairs required during rgw certificate setup etc., those examples are without the "=" sign.
<Utkarsh Bhatt> oh wait, this is strange: It is not working now.: https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T1HG3J90S-F07GQ5KAGR1/download/image.png
<Utkarsh Bhatt> But it did work once:: https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T1HG3J90S-F07H2UF17R7/download/image.png
<Eugen Block> What does `ceph config-key get config/tokens/peer_token` give you? If possible, could you paste text instead of pictures, please?
<Utkarsh Bhatt> Oh i pasted pictures just to prove that I am not being crazy here. 😄
<Utkarsh Bhatt> just a sec
<Utkarsh Bhatt> ```utkarsh@workbook:~$ sudo ceph config-key set config/tokens/peer_token "ABCD"
set config/tokens/peer_token
utkarsh@workbook:~$ sudo ceph config-key dump | grep "config/tokens"
utkarsh@workbook:~$ sudo ceph config-key get config/tokens/peer_token
Error ENOENT: 
utkarsh@workbook:~$ $?
2: command not found```
<Eugen Block> Is there some sort of unexpected character inbetween, or a typo? maybe from some copy&paste stuff? It should "just work".
<Utkarsh Bhatt> That is exactly my thought. It should just work. I will try to look a little more into it. Thanks for your help 😄 (The beer offer stands nevertheless)
<Utkarsh Bhatt> ```root@magical-reindeer:~# sudo ceph config-key set config/global/my_new_token_config "Eugen are you seeing this ?"
set config/global/my_new_token_config
root@magical-reindeer:~# sudo ceph config-key get config/global/my_new_token_config
Eugen are you seeing this ?```
<Utkarsh Bhatt> @Eugen Block I think the config key itself can have any name, but the config/$type/$key structure here has to follow (type can only be a limited set of values i.e. mon, osd, global, client etc)
<Eugen Block> I believe that's only true for the `ceph config set <type>`entities, because this works just fine:
```nautilus:~ # ceph config-key set test/ebl/key1 val1
set test/ebl/key1
nautilus:~ # ceph config-key get test/ebl/key1 
<Utkarsh Bhatt> But i see `-` (minus) record history in the config-key dump.
<Utkarsh Bhatt> ```    "config-history/13/-tokens/peer_token": "ABCD",
    "config-history/14/": "<<< binary blob of length 12 >>>",
    "config-history/14/-tokens/peer_token": "ABCD",
    "config-history/15/": "<<< binary blob of length 12 >>>",
    "config-history/15/-tokens/peer_token": "ABCD",
    "config-history/16/": "<<< binary blob of length 12 >>>",
    "config-history/16/-tokens/peer_token": "ABCD",```
<Utkarsh Bhatt> maybe this limitation is only for `config/...` keys ?
<Eugen Block> ah, now I see what the issue seems to be. You can't use the "config" entity for custom keys, those are reserved, yes.

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.