ceph - ceph-devel - 2024-08-12

Timestamp (UTC)Message
<Matthews Jose> Thank you for your reply, I am going to go through the link you have provided.
<nehaojha> Ceph Developer Summit is kicking off now <https://meet.google.com/atp-kope-jmd?authuser=0>!
Full agenda: <https://ceph.io/en/community/events/2024/ceph-developer-summit-tentacle/>
<nehaojha> The Crimson session is happening here <https://meet.google.com/utm-yqto-hoc?authuser=0>.
<nehaojha> The Crimson/SeaStore session is happening here <https://meet.google.com/utm-yqto-hoc?authuser=0>.
<nehaojha> CDS BlueStore session happening here <https://meet.google.com/qxp-hpri-soy?authuser=0>!
<Laura Flores> Hey all,

The thrash-old-clients tests in the rados suite are failing on the squid-release branch since we decided not to build focal for squid anymore.
Example: <https://pulpito.ceph.com/yuriw-2024-08-02_15:32:29-rados-squid-release-distro-default-smithi/7832616>

Historically, thrash-old-clients tests support N-3 releases (so squid would support clients as old as pacific). But there is no longer a shared distro between squid, reef, quincy, and pacific after focal was dropped for squid. I raised a PR that switches the distro to centos 9, but it also drops pacific as an older client since we don't have c9 pacific builds: <https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/58607>

This is a temporary solution to the "N-3" requirement. It was discussed in [Slack](https://ceph-storage.slack.com/archives/C1HFJ4VTN/p1721078395083699) that a containerized solution for older Ceph versions would be a viable option, so this tracker is tracking this work: <https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/67469>

Now the question is, who will be able to implement this containerized solution? Also, it is unclear what exactly entails implementing that solution. Seeking advice from @Casey Bodley, @Josh Durgin , and anyone else who can help.

cc @nehaojha @rzarzynski
<Æmerson> I'm not a distro maintainer, but don't both RH and Debian distributions have software to build packages in chroots that they use themselves and should solve the clobbering problem we could roll out?
<Casey Bodley> a teuthology worker running ubuntu 22.04 can't install pacific packages that were built against 20.04, but it can run pacific containers
<Casey Bodley> that's the high-level idea, but i don't really have any more specific advice
<Josh Durgin> mainly the piece that would need migrating would be how we run the cross-client tests, which are currently run with host packages - we'd want to run them in containers with the appropriate ceph conf so we could easily vary the client version
<Josh Durgin> once the tests are containerized, it doesn't matter what host os we use

Any issue? please create an issue here and use the infra label.